Monday, August 31, 2009
Hacker Indonesia Merayakan Ultah Malaysia

Kami sebagai warga negara indonesia yang baik akan ikut memeriahkan kemerdekaan negara tersebut dengan cara kami sendiri. Yah tepat cara kami sendiri, Cara kami memeriahkan hari ulang tahun negara tersebut adalah dengan melakukan mass deface terhadap site-site negara tersebut. Berikut list site-site negara tersebut yang telah berhasil kami ambil alih.
Semoga dihari ulang tahunnya ini, negara tersebut dapat menjadi lebih baik, lebih creative, tidak suka mencuri lagi dan tidak sombong lagi. Terima kasih kepada teman-teman di ServerIsDown, MainHack Brotherhood, Indonesian Coder, YogyaCarder Link dan semua teman-teman underground indonesia yang telah banyak memberikan support kepada kami.
Best regards,
| ServerIsDown | MainHack BrotherHood | Indonesian Coder |
Sunday, August 30, 2009
How should a man be in 2009?

40 years of feminist movement and with help from Karl Lagerfeld, you managed to finally make me insecure about my masculinity! I watched TV today and I saw the new photos of Karl Lagerfeld's muse Baptiste Giabiconi - IN STILETTOS!
So I went online and found these pics here. Please check them out and tell me what do you think. I really don't know what to make out of this. I know it's art and I can see some deep meaning behind it, nevertheless, it made me think about the modern man.
I was always for the equality of the sexes and I think that the feminist movement was necessary and mostly good. You know I love women (you can read here). But as much as I am happy that modern couples have relationships, that base on equality of the sexes with the female sexual liberation and as much as I appreciate that modern societies strive to give women equal opportunities and wages, I am somehow feeling uneasy about the trend in recent years, where a handsome man is more and more portrayed as feminine, ambiguous, metro. And that's for me the side-effect of the women's struggles for equality in recent decades. I mean, what is the metro trend anyway? It's probably a scheme by the multinational corporations to sell more beauty products to men by making them more feminine (or gay [*not that it's something wrong with being gay]). And the magazines and fashion designers go hand in hand with them. Money (read business) is the easiest way to set a trend. And the consequence of all that are insecure straight men, who are afraid to be who they are and try to be someone they're not. Ok, I am exaggerating a bit and maybe I am not really that isecure because of Giabiconi in heels, but you get my point. There is some truth in my reasoning, isn't it? I mean, sometimes it seems that you (the women) want a guy who's sensitive, thoughtful, soft, but when it comes to picking-up women (and sex), you always chose the hairy animalic muscular macho, who has the swagger with the cool (sometimes even ignorant) attitude [*Ok, again, I am clearly exaggerating, cuz not every woman is like that.] :)
So women, make up your minds! How do you really want us to be in 2009? Because when I see these male models, I sometimes feel like they're from a different planet. They don't reperesent me. I still don't understand why fashion designers use Kens and Barbies to promote their (in my eyes mostly) dubious collections for the modern man and woman. It just doesn't make sense to me. If you sell a product to real people, make real people wear your products. And I really wonder, after they made women insecure (even skinny girls think they're fat!) and after they recently transformed a big portion of men into metros (yes, some of us use creams and make-up [*not me!]), who will be next on their list? Pre-teens? Toddlers?
When will we stop them?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I am big in Korea now!

The person, who came on my blog (see screencap) was searching for "foreign humour website" and the word 유머 means "humour". I was very amused to be listed among Newyorker.com and Mentalfloss.com, hehe. The rest was only Korean websites. I mean, wth? Search engines are funny :)
저의 웹사이트에 한국 사람들이 찾아올 수 있게 도와주셔서 감사합니다. 그리고 모든 한국 사람들에 대해 언제든지 환영입니다. 하지만 제 블로그에는 유머 이상의 다른 무엇도 많습니다. :-D
I can be insensitive sometimes
3D Tattoo Skin Pain Amazing

Did you feel like a real picture. Yes that's what I felt, when I saw this picture. amazingly, the skin looks like a cut. 3D Tattoo Skin Pain Amazing
Friday, August 28, 2009
Download Tattoo Tribal Design
There are various kinds of tribal designs can be downloaded. From Tribal abstract,Sexi,Natural to animal models.
Just For Sharing and Download Free
Download Tattoo Tribal Design
A Simple Little Star Tattoo

Simple but interesting tattoo, a small star in the heavens high. Quite a lot of decorating the his body.

Thursday, August 27, 2009
Lizard 3D Tattoo in Arm

This 3D lizard tattoo, such as being embedded in concrete walls. lizard crawling on her arm. exotic, natural and elegant
What do you like about me?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Back Skull Tattoo

Artistic tattoo picture, The back of the skull looks 3 dimensional. The framework of the skull, look fantastic, fit and blend with the back.
Back Tattoo A Model A7X
Tattoos: just the ones on her back
Spiderman Extreme Tatto

You want to try it??
Nice picture tattoo design
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I feel like a shrink and a patient at the same time
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Kiss
And there it was: The moment.
I stopped two meters in front of you, the marvellous silhouette of an angel turned into a gorgeous woman with radiant eyes and a smile that was only meant for me. A smile so honest and pure, it made me feel that everything was right in that moment. I needed to look into your glowing eyes, before we touched. Your embrace felt safe, comfortable. Your lovely head on my chest and your arms wrapped around me felt like the world can stop any minute. My world did. Basking in each other's presence, our eyes met again and I knew it was the right moment to kiss you. My hand went from caressing your hair to gently touching your chin, lifting it slowly. The moment froze. We looked each other in the eyes again, deeply: Goose bumps. I leant toward you, our noses touched tenderly, our lips were almost there. I tilted my head and pulled you closer to me. Our lips brushed, then touched: Explosion. Adrenaline. My heart pounding so hard, I could feel it in my fingertips. It was a soft kiss, yet a long one. It felt like we want to make it last forever. As soon as we became more and more comfortable with each other, we closed our eyes and while the soft kissing sounds were inaudible to passers-by, we felt like we're invisible, too. We were hungry for more. Your lips were so tender, so inviting, I just could not imagine ever letting go or stop coming back. We became silly and our kiss turned into kisses which turned into smiles and relaxing laughs. That was when you said:"You're not a bad kisser". And you smiled almost cheekily. "You're not bad yourself either", I replied and winked. Then I took your sweet little hand, intertwined my fingers with yours and we walked off into the city lights.
It was the next morning when I realized that all our clothes, that were shattered around the room, and especially your panties, that were hanging on the door knob, looked suspiciously like we didn't...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Foto Terbaru Rachel Amanda-CANDY
The success of achieving a degree sinetron Candy Sinetron Terfavorit Panasonic Awards 2007, obviously making Rachel Amanda Aurora more bounce. His Manda Candy successful figures in the drama sinetron deplete the water of the audience. After that, the figures portray Manda different, my name is through sinetron Mentari. When Candy sinetron in Manda charged mimic the akting sad and crying, then my name is in sinetron Mentari even vice versa.
Mentari girl who is described as cheerful, steadfast, and brave. Differences in character roles for Manda This is not a new one. Manda be a challenge that very well. "Each character has a role or challenge. Fortunately, directors and friends in other locations syuting support and participate in berakting entries," said Manda, who was born 1 January 1996 it also assumes that the diversity of the characters are played means that both in the ability to develop and hone aktingnya. So, Amanda did not hesitate to receive the role of Lia in the newest times in sinetron
In addition, Rachel also star film I LOVE YOU, OM (2006). Together Restu Sinaga, Ira Wibowo and Karenina, a role as Rachel Dian, young girl who loves a man far older than himself.
June 2009, the month of Ramadhan, Rachel joined the call for Opick performers sing songs berduet Seer.
Profile Rachel Amanda-candy:
-Birthday: Jakarta, 1 January 1996
-Email: rachel.amanda01 @ hotmail.com
-Religion: Islam
-Relatives: children from 1 to 2 brothers
-Hobbies: nyanyi, play piano
-fave food: siomay
-fave color: purple
-cita2: children's doctor
-Penyanyi cilik best AMI Awards 2005
-Breakthrough Actrees MTV Indonesian Movie Award 2007
Koleksi Foto Tebaru Rachel Amanda

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I'm a 20SB, but expiring...
Thank you.谢谢. Terima kasih. Salamat po. 고마워.
My thoughts came after reading some of your blogs lately and seeing how close some of you've become. I think blogging does connect people. Because all of us feel compelled to say something, share a piece of ourselves with the world, sometimes maybe too much. But I think we never share everything. And that's great. It's the things we don't say that make us who we are.
I have to say I really learned a lot from you guys, as most of you are very accomplished bloggers (and people). It really helped me many times when I needed comfort, advice or a different perspective on things. But sometimes I just need a dose of humour and you guys really provide the best there is. So, while I'm looking forward how you further decompose every aspect of the lives you live to learn more about humankind and its vulnerabilities, I am also anticipating funny stories, full of irony and wit to crack me up in the morning while I'm sipping my coffee. [Sure, if Nashe and Angel would post every day, I could just read their blogs for the crack-ups, but since they don't, the rest has to take over for them from time to time ;-)]
So this is now the final installment of the I love women series :P The next time you hear from me, it has to be something totally unexpected. [No, not a leaked sex-tape, you perv!] I mean something bold, something thought-provoking, something that will change all of your lives forever!!! Ah, I'm just kidding. Expect the usual. And thanks again :)
What is your take on bloggy friends and online friendships shmenships? Have you been blessed with many new friends? Did you experience any disappointments? I'm looking forward to hear from you.
당신에게 있어 삶이란 어떤 의미인가?

인생의 길은 곡선이다.
끝이 빤히 내다보인다면 무슨 살맛이 나겠는가.
모르기 때문에 살맛이 나는 것이다.
이것이 바로 곡선의 묘미이다.
훌륭한 사람들은 주어진 상황 안에서 포기않고,
자신이 할 수 있는 일을 찾는다.
그들은 직선으로 가려 하지 않고, 여유를 즐긴다.
다시 말하면, 우리는 매분 매초마다 우리를 둘러싸고 있는 것들에 대해
서두를 필요가 없다는 말이다.
이것이 바로 곡선의 묘미이다.
때로는 우리는 천천히 돌아가기도 하고
길을 잃고 헤매기도 한다.
하지만 이러한 과정들은,
목적이 아닌 과정을 충실히 깨닫고 산다면,
그야말로 훌륭한 것이다.
Life is like curve.
Would you be excited if you knew what to expect next?
That's why we are excited about life, because we can never
expect what will happen. That's how the curve of life is.
Great people find their purpose and pursue it under any given
condition. They don't try to go straight, but they take their time.
That means, we don't need to hurry every second to accomplish
all goals quickly. That's how the curve of life is.
Sometimes we make a detour and sometimes we lose our way
and wander. However, all this is okay, if you recognize that most
important in life is the process, not the goal itself.
Note by MKL: 만약 한국분이시라면, 제 블로그에 덧글도 좀 달아주세요.
전 한국을 사랑하거든요 ^^ 고맙습니다!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Learn Linux Online
Nah karena linus sudah semakin populer belakangan ini, banyak sekali orang yang berlomba belajar linux. Kursus-kursus linux tersedia baik di kampus, lembaga training, maupun secara online.
Salah satu tempat belajar linux yang paling baik adalah secara online. Kita dapat bergabung dalam forum-forum pengguna Linux untuk berbagi dan mendapatkan bantuan seputar linux. Selain itu, ada banyak website dan blog yang membahas tentang linux. Misalnya linux talk, sebuah blog dari kelompok internet treasures. Semuanya itu disediakan secara gratis dan dalam tips-tips yang memudahkan kita untuk belajar linux. Selamat belajar linux.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Love is...

She loves my blog!
Video President Obama Lirik Bokong MayoraTavares
When the delegation was young person forwards, gone Mayora Tavares, old sexy girls 16 years of origin of Brazilian. The aspect of Mayora seems to attract Obama. When the girl by the left wing, Obama is also the sight, particularly on the Mayora buttocks.
Obama does not realize that French President Nicolas Sarkozy considers a smile and to state perhaps once in the middle, foundation of the young people. Non only is not considered the conscious colleagues, Obama also does not realize that it is enchased whim of a photographer. the video must then be everywhere isolated in the world.
Even with the news of Yahoo, photographs which initially line up in the ketegori photograph of news more-in the email and advised to see. Naturally the fall in the visual version on YouTube. The photograph of sessions of Thursday or two days meeting signal-35 with G-8 invites the delegation of tinkling. D' Obama source still. The old president 48 years was held almost towards the end of the stage with the other countries. He was interesting because of the attention of the delegation ran towards the stage with the accompaniment of the acclamations of the colleagues on the images of stage.
Gambar President Obama Lirik Bokong Mayora Tavares

Friday, August 14, 2009
Video Tali baju Julia Perez melorot/Lepas

Julia perez did not want to take a headache with this incident. He keprofesional keep it. "Jupe not be panic. In the case such as this I can run to the back of the stage, must be professional
"Oops, so funny. Nyanyi until I have finished the song. But I have a red face ... (while looking at chest), my goodness ..." he said while laughing again small.
In response to this matter, mother Julia perez, Sri Wulansih quite relaxed. Previously, he also has advice daughter dressed in a matter of style
Why I love and adore women
(by James Thurber)

Women in my adulthood
During my time at the university, I also had many female friends. I studied outside my hometown and I was a bit lost in the big city: Most of my schoolmates came from all over the country and I didn't really connect well with many. But the few among them were all women. Also during this time, I met my first big love. It was probably the strongest feeling I ever felt for someone, which is usually the case with every first love. But most of these relationships fail and mine wa no exception: The girl crushed my heart by cheating on me and breaking up. That was the moment when I realized that women don't fumble when it's over. Once they make up their mind - it's over. At that time it was a big shock for me and I had a pretty rough time picking up the pieces of my shattered heart. It completely changed my life: It made me travel and led me to Asia, to my surprise. I dated 2 girls from that part of the world. I thought that my last one, a Chinese Malaysian, will be the one. When I met her, it was a big surprise for me (or maybe it wasn't?) when she told me she had 7 sisters! Seven! At that moment, I didn't know wheather it was a curse or a blessing for me. But when I got to know all of them, I really felt blessed. I connected with all of them very well and they really loved me. And all my previous experiences came in very handy. Yet... it wasn't enough to keep the relationship. Honestly, we seldom fought, we had lot's of fun moments, but we just weren't right for each other. Small things added up to the final break up. Anyway, I really treasure the whole experience and not only understand women better, I also had the privilege to peek into the world of Asian women, who subsequently became another big interest for me (as you can sense on my blog). And now I am here, single again, blogging, trying to figure out what to do in my life, planning my next steps. And I am blessed again. I met some great people, who follow my blog. And yes, it is no wonder, most of them are women. I think one can never learn enough about women, that's why I love to read your blogs, ladies... and love to drop some weird comments sometimes, hehe. Forgive me, please ;)
Women, my conclusions
For me, almost every woman is a treasure. When you unlock that box, you will get pearls and jewels, a beauty so radiant, that you won't ever forget. I really cherish the unforgettable moments I had with the women I adored. And it's not just the amazing skin-on-skin moments that nearly made me lose my mind, no, it's the times when I layed in bed and watched a movie and she layed on my chest. It's the time when I watched over her when she was sleeping and kissed her on the forhead and she didn't even know. It's the time when I teased her, made her laugh, saw the glow of happiness in her eyes. It's the time when I walked with her hand in hand, it's the kisses good-bye, the last hugs, tears... I've been thru so many kinds of emotions with women, that also includes the arguments, the sulking, the break-ups and the pain they induced. Nevertheless, the good predominates over everything else. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a girl happy and making her happy. I've seen this, from very close to afar. And that's something that makes me really confident: Even though my relationships failed, I know I can make a woman happy. I can! Because I used to and I will be doing it once again. I think I understand women as much as a man can, because you can never fully understand a woman, of course. That's why I always try to give them the best I can, because I believe in what Oscar Wilde said so brilliantly: “How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.” So, to all of you ladies out there, please have a high standard when it comes to guys, because you deserve the best: Only the best is good enough for you.
Han Chae-i, Korean model

but she is beautiful because you love her”
[Photo: Source]
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's going up! And I'm feeling confident. Yay. How about you?
[Photo: Source]
Recent news about Lee Hyori!

About managing her sexy body: “Usually 2 to 3 days before a photoshooting, I do an urgent diet. Controlling what I eat and exercising are must-dos. I only need to be a little more careful, my body is the type that changes quickly. It’s a body very suitable for an entertainer.”
About her real character: “I’m a little different from the cool image that I have in front of cameras. In front of someone that I don’t know, I don’t say much [...] Talking about things that I regret doing because I’m too timid: I can’t say no, if somebody asks me to borrow him some money. That’s why a lot money didn’t come back.” [source]
About rumours she were a Filipina: “When I first debuted, my skin color was dark and there was an article that was saying I was an illegal Filipino immigrant. Because of that article, a lot of rumors started... The paparazzi photographed me a lot and I was hurt because of that... but now after 10 years, those rumors don't bother me anymore.”
About being 31 years young: “I've thrown away all previous constrictions. Now that I'm in my 30s, I don't rely on or obsess over a boyfriend. When I was in my 20s, all I cared about was cars, cellphones and others, but no more. In the past when I broke up with someone I felt like dying, but now its' much easier for me to accept separation.” [source]
Very interesting stuff from Hyori. I feel like the older she gets, the more attractive she becomes. She's really incredible. Someone who followed her biography and discography and someone who loves her music, will agree with me: Lee Hyori is an incredible woman!
Cewek Bugil Dance in Surabaya Discotic"s

get more picture --->

Monday, August 10, 2009
Foto Miss Indonesia 2009 Zivanna Letisha Siregar berbikini

Dalam rangka lomba Miss Universe 2009, Miss Indonesia 2009 Zivanna Letisha Siregar berpose dalam pakaian renang (bikini) di Grand Bahama, 9 August 2009.
Photo Credit: Reuters
Sunday, August 9, 2009
How much is your blog worth?
My site is worth
It says my page rank is 7 and that I have 150 daily pageviews. I think this is sort of true. Since my site is fairly new, I'm quite surprised at the result. So what now? Should I sell my blog and buy a Mercedes? LOL.
And because I am a very curious guy, I decided to evaluate some of the blogs I like and follow. Many of you became dear friends. So, this list is for you. If you click on the money-link near your blog's name, you will see all the details and specifics. So click on it.
Let's see among my dearest bloggers, how much are their blogs worth, who's top and who's not. Here's the list including my own blog:
01 $60,644.0 Marina's Blogariffic (Pagerank 5, 450 daily pageviews)
02 $49,264.4 Extractions of a Desoriented Mind (Pagerank 2, 300 daily pv.)
03 $48,772.4 SHE in China (Pagerank 0, 300 daily pageviews)
04 $41,672.6 This is The Mad Style (Pagerank 3, 300 daily pageviews)
05 $37,448.0 My Kafkaesque Life (Pagerank 7, 150 daily pageviews)
06 $33,300.8 Through Eyes From Afar (Pagerank 1, 150 daily pageviews)
07 $31,177.1 Insomniac Lolita (Pagerank 0, 150 daily pageviews)
08 $24,865.1 Junjie's China Blog (Pagerank 0, 150 daily visitors)
09 $15,742.7 Lost... in Translation (Pagerank 0, 10 daily pageviews)
10 $14,155.4 A Misspent Life (Pagerank 3, 150 daily pageviews)
11 $13,907.3 When He Kisses Her... (Pagerank 2, 150 daily pageviews)
12 $13,029.7 As Zewt As It Gets [from RM to US$] (Pagerank 4, 300 daily pv.)
13 $12,782.3 Scary Azeri in Suburbs (Pagerank 4, 150 daily pageviews)
14 $10,797.1 Memory That Wasn't Mine [from SG$ to US$] (Pagerank 1, 10 daily pv.)
15 $9,845.3 Woodnotwood (Pagerank 4, 10 daily pageviews)
16 $9,067.7 The Demigodess (Pagerank 3, 10 daily pageviews)
17 $8,912.9 The World With No Together (Pagerank 0, 10 daily pageviews)
18 $5,748.2 Love and Debauchery* (Pagerank 0, 10 daily pageviews)
19 $4,732.4 Where Did All The Pecans Go? (Pagerank 7, 10 daily pageviews)
20 $4,576.1 the BLOGETTE (Pagerank 0, 10 daily pageviews)
21 $2,440.4 Tales Over Coffee (Pagerank 0, 10 daily pageviews)
22 $2,277.8 Trifledreamz (Pagerank 7, 10 daily pageviews)
*the blogspot URL
To compare 2 celeb bloggers:
Dawn Yang Clapbangkiss $235,835 (Pagerank 4, 1200 daily visitors),
Kenny Sia $1.47 Million (Pagerank 3 , 11000 daily visitors)
Ok, I was surprised to see Marina on top, but then again, she has an excellent blog and she's a very smart blogger that attracts many people. I guess it was the same surprise to see my blog as high. I checked the details and saw that I have a very good web recognition (guess my SEO is good) and the value metric, plus more people follow and comment on my blog recently and the linking on Twitter helped big time. I'm not surprised that Jerine is as high, I thought it may be even higher. Her blog is excellent and I knew she was Google page rank 3, so her result makes sense. I was expecting Zewt, Nashe and Tales a bit higher in the rank with a bigger value, but then again, their blogs are good anyway. I guess they cater to a certain number of people who follow them and not so much to the broader mass of people from all over. So, don't be disappointed, k? Everyone among you on the list has very good blogs and I hope you don't sell yourselves out. :)
Now keep on blogging. I need something to read with my morning coffee :)