I want to talk about current events around the world and my personal life in the past week. I went to the sawna with my best buddy John McCain, hehe. Check the photo here. Some people there were really buffled. They thought we're like BFF, because we got along so well. He told me that when he looks in the mirrow, he sees my face. We're like brothers. I like him, he's a funny guy. His demeaning jokes about women crack me up, hehe. Anyway, besides the sawna with Mac, I've been pretty busy.

Yesterday I went to the movies with my wife Laura. We watched 'Hangover'. It really cracked me up. I thought I'm watching the old me from 20 years ago. but Laura didn't like it. She frowned the whole way back home and pulled my ear and scolded me. That damn dry pretzel (pardon my French) got me choking while I was laughing, so people complained behind me. What could I do? It was hilarious!
Since I used to be a politishan, MKL asked me to tell you something about the current political situation. Well, I don't know, if I wanna get sick in the future, since our hospitals will be socialized. I'm for small government. I only give money to big business. The money should trickle down to the rest. It worked until the system collapsed. I still don't know why it happened. I must ask Dick, he's smart. He has "the brains for mass destruction", hehe. And his riffle is no joke (no pun intended).
While I'm writing this, I'm trying to find prezident Obama's birth sertificate on Google. I don't know what to think, even if the republican governor of Hawaii says it's a valid Hawaii state birth sertificate, you know, republicans lie! So, I don't really know what to believe. But I've just retired recently and I'm writing my memoirs and watching reruns of Golden Girls. So I don't have the time to speculate about these matters, I let others decide. I'm not the decider anymore.
Oh, I'm feeling great today! Thank you MKL for this opportunity to write a little something on your well-respected blog.
And thank you, dear readers of MKL. I may write a regular column on this blog from now on.
43rd Prezident of USA, George W. Bush
[NOTE by MKL: I don't think so.]
[Photo: Source]
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