I must add, I have hired a human, who translates my cat language to English. I want to share a little about my life and the current events. First I have to give a warm meeyow to all new MKL readers. I was told that there's so many new ones who come here and comment. Sometimes when I sleep near MKL, I see how he's blogging hard and he's always happy to get some appreciation for his effort by your comments.

It's so hot these days. So I love to sneak into MKL's room, because it's cold and I can sleep there and nobody bothers me... Except MKL. But I like it. Sometimes I also snuggle with him... Oh, it's so nice to be a cat! And I have to tell you, a week ago, he bought Whiskas for me! Can you imagine? A small tin that cost 1,30€. Whiskas is the Mercedes among cat food. It had the salmon flavor. Me and my mummy were eating it like there's no tomorrow, but MKL's sister complained that the whole house smelled like salmon. I don't know why the big fuss. I love salmon. MKL didn't smell anything either. Some humans are so sensitive. I also have a very sensitive nose, but I never complain about human smells, but I could! Hmph! I think I'm gonna end this now. I heard something in the bush outside. It might be a mouse! Yummilicious!
Was nice to be a guest blogger today. Who knows I might become a regular writer here.
A long sweet meeyow from Misha
[NOTE by MKL: I don't think so.]

I didn't catch any mice today :( So I went to rest on bed and purr.
[Photo by MKL]
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