(by James Thurber)
Women in my childhood
I love and adore women. I can really say I am blessed (or cursed) by and with women. I have two sisters and a very awsome mom, who is more like a friend than a mother. That goes back to my childhood. I was always closer to her than to my dad. When they divorced (I was 7 years old), I had to live with my father in town and went to school there, while my sisters moved to the countryside with my mom. I had a very tough time with him. Especially the adolescent years were bad. My father used to beat me and humiliate me and his (at that time new) girlfriend was not very nice to me either. I've been totally shy during my early teen years and had very low self esteem. At the age 16, I decided to run away. I planned it for a long time, but many times my atempts failed, because my father intimidated me. But I eventually fled and it was the best thing I ever did. Of course my father was furious, but I didn't care anymore. I moved into a big old house with 3 women. Life was so much different from then on. Of course, there were problems, but nevertheless, I learned so much for my whole life. I have to say I enjoyed being the only male among them. That had a big influence on my life after, because I started to hang out with girls more than boys. In secondary school, all my best friends were girls and I learned even more about women during that time. I just connected better with them. It seemed like whenever I started a friendship with a guy, I eventually got disappointed. That happened a lot of times when I was in my secondary school. These were shallow guys, talking dirty, looking down on women, objectifying them or just rambling about irrelevant things that didn't interest me.
Women in my adulthood
During my time at the university, I also had many female friends. I studied outside my hometown and I was a bit lost in the big city: Most of my schoolmates came from all over the country and I didn't really connect well with many. But the few among them were all women. Also during this time, I met my first big love. It was probably the strongest feeling I ever felt for someone, which is usually the case with every first love. But most of these relationships fail and mine wa no exception: The girl crushed my heart by cheating on me and breaking up. That was the moment when I realized that women don't fumble when it's over. Once they make up their mind - it's over. At that time it was a big shock for me and I had a pretty rough time picking up the pieces of my shattered heart. It completely changed my life: It made me travel and led me to Asia, to my surprise. I dated 2 girls from that part of the world. I thought that my last one, a Chinese Malaysian, will be the one. When I met her, it was a big surprise for me (or maybe it wasn't?) when she told me she had 7 sisters! Seven! At that moment, I didn't know wheather it was a curse or a blessing for me. But when I got to know all of them, I really felt blessed. I connected with all of them very well and they really loved me. And all my previous experiences came in very handy. Yet... it wasn't enough to keep the relationship. Honestly, we seldom fought, we had lot's of fun moments, but we just weren't right for each other. Small things added up to the final break up. Anyway, I really treasure the whole experience and not only understand women better, I also had the privilege to peek into the world of Asian women, who subsequently became another big interest for me (as you can sense on my blog). And now I am here, single again, blogging, trying to figure out what to do in my life, planning my next steps. And I am blessed again. I met some great people, who follow my blog. And yes, it is no wonder, most of them are women. I think one can never learn enough about women, that's why I love to read your blogs, ladies... and love to drop some weird comments sometimes, hehe. Forgive me, please ;)
Women, my conclusions
For me, almost every woman is a treasure. When you unlock that box, you will get pearls and jewels, a beauty so radiant, that you won't ever forget. I really cherish the unforgettable moments I had with the women I adored. And it's not just the amazing skin-on-skin moments that nearly made me lose my mind, no, it's the times when I layed in bed and watched a movie and she layed on my chest. It's the time when I watched over her when she was sleeping and kissed her on the forhead and she didn't even know. It's the time when I teased her, made her laugh, saw the glow of happiness in her eyes. It's the time when I walked with her hand in hand, it's the kisses good-bye, the last hugs, tears... I've been thru so many kinds of emotions with women, that also includes the arguments, the sulking, the break-ups and the pain they induced. Nevertheless, the good predominates over everything else. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a girl happy and making her happy. I've seen this, from very close to afar. And that's something that makes me really confident: Even though my relationships failed, I know I can make a woman happy. I can! Because I used to and I will be doing it once again. I think I understand women as much as a man can, because you can never fully understand a woman, of course. That's why I always try to give them the best I can, because I believe in what Oscar Wilde said so brilliantly: “How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.” So, to all of you ladies out there, please have a high standard when it comes to guys, because you deserve the best: Only the best is good enough for you.

Women in my adulthood
During my time at the university, I also had many female friends. I studied outside my hometown and I was a bit lost in the big city: Most of my schoolmates came from all over the country and I didn't really connect well with many. But the few among them were all women. Also during this time, I met my first big love. It was probably the strongest feeling I ever felt for someone, which is usually the case with every first love. But most of these relationships fail and mine wa no exception: The girl crushed my heart by cheating on me and breaking up. That was the moment when I realized that women don't fumble when it's over. Once they make up their mind - it's over. At that time it was a big shock for me and I had a pretty rough time picking up the pieces of my shattered heart. It completely changed my life: It made me travel and led me to Asia, to my surprise. I dated 2 girls from that part of the world. I thought that my last one, a Chinese Malaysian, will be the one. When I met her, it was a big surprise for me (or maybe it wasn't?) when she told me she had 7 sisters! Seven! At that moment, I didn't know wheather it was a curse or a blessing for me. But when I got to know all of them, I really felt blessed. I connected with all of them very well and they really loved me. And all my previous experiences came in very handy. Yet... it wasn't enough to keep the relationship. Honestly, we seldom fought, we had lot's of fun moments, but we just weren't right for each other. Small things added up to the final break up. Anyway, I really treasure the whole experience and not only understand women better, I also had the privilege to peek into the world of Asian women, who subsequently became another big interest for me (as you can sense on my blog). And now I am here, single again, blogging, trying to figure out what to do in my life, planning my next steps. And I am blessed again. I met some great people, who follow my blog. And yes, it is no wonder, most of them are women. I think one can never learn enough about women, that's why I love to read your blogs, ladies... and love to drop some weird comments sometimes, hehe. Forgive me, please ;)
Women, my conclusions
For me, almost every woman is a treasure. When you unlock that box, you will get pearls and jewels, a beauty so radiant, that you won't ever forget. I really cherish the unforgettable moments I had with the women I adored. And it's not just the amazing skin-on-skin moments that nearly made me lose my mind, no, it's the times when I layed in bed and watched a movie and she layed on my chest. It's the time when I watched over her when she was sleeping and kissed her on the forhead and she didn't even know. It's the time when I teased her, made her laugh, saw the glow of happiness in her eyes. It's the time when I walked with her hand in hand, it's the kisses good-bye, the last hugs, tears... I've been thru so many kinds of emotions with women, that also includes the arguments, the sulking, the break-ups and the pain they induced. Nevertheless, the good predominates over everything else. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing a girl happy and making her happy. I've seen this, from very close to afar. And that's something that makes me really confident: Even though my relationships failed, I know I can make a woman happy. I can! Because I used to and I will be doing it once again. I think I understand women as much as a man can, because you can never fully understand a woman, of course. That's why I always try to give them the best I can, because I believe in what Oscar Wilde said so brilliantly: “How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.” So, to all of you ladies out there, please have a high standard when it comes to guys, because you deserve the best: Only the best is good enough for you.
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