Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I had "frog soup" at Guangzhou Street Night Market

Or how I'm getting Taiwaneser day by day

I ate a frog! Yep! I did it! And I still feel a bit grossed out uneasy seeing these photos. Let me tell you, how the foodventure started. I asked my girlfriend to bring me to a famous night market located near the Longshan temple called Huaxi Street Night Market (華西街夜市), which is famous for the snake soup and the snake wine. I wanted to try the snake, but when I saw how the snake was killed and fresh blood extracted, I changed my mind. And walked around the area and ended up in another night market nearby on Guangzhou Street.

So when we were leaving the famous Huaxi Street, we ended up in the nearby Guangzhou Street Night Market (廣州街夜市). It's not as neat and clean as Huaxi Street, but that's because it's not advertised as a tourist spot and therefore polished up. It's just meant for the locals, but some tourists also walk around there. Well, tourists like me. After few minutes of walking, my girlfriend saw the hawker that sells frogs. She asked me, if I wanted to try frog soup. I said "Yes, why not. How does it taste?" I asked. She said it's like chicken, so I said: "Cool let's give it a try!" I didn't intend to eat frogs that day, it was a very spontaneous decision.

I wish you a frogasmic stay! Have a look:

The frogs are displayed together with fish and some vegetables.

When we got the soup served, my girlfriend was a bit shocked surprised: "Oh, the frog is whole!" :o She tried frog soup before, but that one had the meat already cut into small pieces. But not this one, my friends, not this one.

Oh yeah, it was whole and very real. Only the head was chopped off. The grossest part were the little hands, haha. But guess what? It looks worse on photos than it real.

It really tastes like chicken! Really. The meat is soft, but not plenty.

The taste of the frog is not really strong. I remember eating horse or even mutton, that's a flavor I still remember. But not frog. The soup was good, though. There was a lot of basil in it, the flavor seemed a bit minty. And I didn't make any funny faces, you can ask my girl. I just grabbed it and ate it. Sure I posed for some photos, hahaha. Wanna gross out my friends from back in Europe. Ps: I'm not French ;-)

If you eat frog soup, you'll need to be ready for many small bones.

So did my photos gross you out? Not yet? How about some chicken feet?

Some days before I ate frog, I treated myself some chicken feet in Keelung.

I ate them at home, they're boneless and crunchy a little, but yummy. They go well together with the Taiwanese beer. Now tell me, ain't I becoming a real Taiwanese? ;-)

Would you try frog soup?

And a bonus video for you. Kym from herrohachi shared an interesting video with me. Those who know her, know how awesome she is, so I don't need to repeat that here, just enjoy it:

Dancing Frog Leg Trick - Watch more Funny Videos

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