Reading Lily Riani's latest post, I decided to participate in the same "travel blog contest" as she did, which is btw open to anyone who blogs about travel. You also can join, if you mainly blog about travel.

The contest is held by Mom Bloggers Planet, which is a blog directory primarily targeting Malaysian moms, but is also open to all women from all over Malaysia and the region. Since I've lived in Malaysia, have many Malaysian friends and followers, I decided to join this contest, which, in case I get chosen, would give my blog more publicity. I'm happy, if my efforts here get rewarded by more readers, who also enjoy traveling and seek some useful info about certain places. So let's get started. Here are my answers:
1 Blog Name/URL:
My Kafkaesque life -
2 When did you start blogging?
I started to blog in October 2006, but only for a month. I lost interest very quickly. However I decided to blog again in March 2008 and ever since I'm blogging regularly and a lot, I wrote over 600 posts in 2 years.
3 Introduce yourself and your blog
I'm a 30 years old guy from Slovenia, a small country in central Europe. I love to travel and I love Asia, so I'm constantly trying to combine these two things. The time I spent in Asia is now over one year and I plan to live in Taiwan permanently and travel all over East and South East Asia in the future. Of course there's so much more about me than travel, my blog is full of other interests, but recently travel has become my main focus of blogging and I truly enjoy that.
A while ago I decided to change my blogging style from personal to informational. I want to write good posts, provide good information to my readers and share good photos. In Taiwan I have the chance to see amazing places that are very easily accessible from Taipei City and the things I saw and experienced inspired me to share and write about travel more. I've also been to Macau and Seoul recently and I've blogged about these places a lot, too. And I plan to blog even more about travel in the near future, especially about my wonderful country Slovenia.
5 Do you make money with your travel blog?
Few weeks ago I put ads on my blog, but so far I haven't earned anything significant. If I earn some money in the process, that's fine. But I'm reasonable and stick to my own blogging plan, regardless if I can get money or not.
Because I'm passionate about traveling and blogging. I pick the best photos, add maps, provide info about prices, transportation. I constantly strive to improve. Some of my posts took me hours like the Palaces of Seoul, each of them took me at least 5h to blog, because I wanted the perfect photos and info. If you check the linkbar and the pages about Taiwan, Taipei, Seoul and Macau, you will see work of many many hours, days and weeks. And there's a lot about Taiwan coming up in the upcoming weeks.
7 Website: Mom Bloggers Planet
Contest page:
My dear followers, what do you say? Should MKL be featured on MBP? ;-)
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