On the photo: Lee Hyo-ri
I was awarded and tagged by the lovely Canadian blogger Karen (for the second time) and I think it's about time for me to finally do the tag and award some of my blogger friends. I'd like to say a big thank you to my Canadian followers. From what I see on my tracker, I get a lot of traffic from Canada, especially from Kamloops, Vancouver and Toronto. After USA, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, Canada ranks no 5 on my blog visits ranked by countries. And some of my regular commentators and blogger friends are Canadians, most notably Karen, Kym and Julie (who also happen to be Asian), are truly awesome (hence the title of the post). Their blogs are adorable, that's for sure, I recommend you to check them out. Thanks again, Canadians!
Now it's time to do the tag. First the Stylish blog award (click here for award photo):
The rule says: For this tag, state 5 random facts about yourself and award the tag to 5 others.
1 During my trip to Macau, I was addicted to Portuguese egg tarts. My addiction was later cured, when I returned to Taiwan, I got totally hooked on fried dumplings ;-)
2 I think Chuck Norris is a douche. And by that I mean the real person and his political views, not the funny internet character. I love that one ;-)
3 This is why I love Google.
4 I blush very easily, but it doesn't mean I'm shy. My skin reacts to all kinds of weather conditions, it's very sensitive.
5 I also have very sensitive eyes and if I don't wear my sunnies and the weather is hot and sunny, my eyes hurt. Also when I go sightseeing on a sunny day and I take photos of myself without sunnies, my eyes look mostly closed on all the photos, my girlfriend can confirm that. So like someone needs glasses to read, I need my sunnies to survive the sunny days :-)
And now to the Cherry on Top award (click here for award photo). For this tag you have to thank the person who gave you the award, copy the award and post it on your blog, then list three things you love about yourself and post a picture you love (eg: a person you adore etc). Then tag 5 people.
Thanks again, Karen, for tagging me. The three things I love about myself are:
1 I love my open-mindedness when it comes to food. I love all kinds of food and am always open to try new ones. Everywhere I travel, I find some favorite local food and enjoy eating it. That makes my life much easier many times.
2 I love my willingness to listen and understand, be it individuals, groups or societies.
3 I love my ability to speak many languages. I hope one day, when I have children, that they also speak more languages than one.

This is my girlfriend at the Yeliu cape. I love this photo and I love her.I also chose this photo, because my next post will be about the famous Yeliou cape and Keelung, northern Taiwan's main port. We had a great time there, you'll see soon. Stay tuned.
I'm giving these 2 awards to following people:
1 Kym from http://www.beecreative.ca/
2 Julie from http://popchampagne.blogspot.com/
3 Lily from http://yulengchen.blogspot.com/
4 Jaimie from http://soflawed.blogspot.com/
5 Roxy from http://bludeh.blogspot.com/
If you do the tag or don't, it's really up to you. Just take it easy, k. I won't spy on you, hehe. Although I will continue stalking you on your blogs ;-)
[Photo 1: Source, Photo 2 by MKL, 2010]
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