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Obama can't do everything! He can't fix Iran!
I'm sick of those petty criticisms of Obama, coming from the left and right. He can't do everything! He can't please everbody. It seems like whatever he does, he get criticised for it. Either he does too much at the same time or too little. I know that criticism applied to Bush, too. But not in his first year, much later after Iraq became a big blunder. It's understandable that people are frustrated these days. We're living in some pretty dark times. Obama was seen as a kind of messiah, who will snap his fingers and the whole recession will go away. But in the end, he's just human. He's placed in a rigid system, where he only has small room to do something he's proposed last year. He must overcome all the obstacles at home and abroad, deal with a world that's partly in shambles. He fixed a lot, he will fix a lot, but he can't fix everything. And the latest petty criticism comes from people who want him to do more or say more on the Iranian election and events after. Why? Should he give a fiery speech like George Bush would do, talking about axis of evil and urging the regime to give the power to the people? If he does so, the regime will use it to fire up the nationalists, who support Ahmadinejad and they'll repeat that America is behind everything, America wants to put Iran in shambles... It's much more smart to be cautious and let the events unfold without meddling. What could America do anyway? Start another war? Impossible. So there's two options left: Be pragmatic and stay in the background, let Iranians solve the issues with their government or try to interfere, give strong speeches, threaten with sanctions. Well, I think he's doing great so far. I rather see him not go out there up front and start another conflict. And ain't it funny, if he doesn't do it, there's nobody else who would wanna play a 'George Bush'. You have the French president, the British prime minister or German chancellor - they are all quiet and observing the events in Iran to unfold! Is that the new pragmatism? Or just a normal common sense? I don't know for sure, but what I do know is, we have enough conflicts in this world and the West can't solve all of them. Middle East, Afganistan, Pakistan, China, Korea, Burma, Darfur, Kongo - we're living with these problems and we'll have to live with them for a long time and the US president won't be able to solve them, the West won't be able to solve them - the people there will have to solve it themselves.
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