How? How can I support Iranian people? I mean, we knew how bad it was there for years, for decades! These protests are not a shock for the rest of the world. Sooner or later every surpressed people protest and fight for freedom and justice. But what can I do? My words won't change anything. And Obama's words won't change anything, too! As if those retarded mullahs will listen to me or to Obama or to anyone else! These people are nuts! So stop harrassing me and Obama with your calls for "a tougher stance" against the Iranian regime. George Bush tried that tactic and it only strenghtened the regime. Unless USA wants to start another "liberating" war, nothing will change! Iranians can only help themselves. America is broke and I'm sure even if it was filled with money, Obama still wouldn't start a war to liberate the Iranian people. He's got the brains! And how phony: The whole world always blames USA for MEDDLING into other countries' affairs! Now that Obama DOES NOT want to meddle, the world COMPLAINS again. Seems like whatever USA does, it's not right. I think Obama is doing great! Whatever will happen later, let's say in a month, in half a year, he will have to deal with that regime, wheather he likes it or not. He clearly wanted to change the policies towards islamic countries and if you demand of him condemning the Iranian regime, then demand from him condemning the regime of Saudi Arabia,
that surpresses women like the nazis surpressed Jews. But no, Saudi Arabia is Americas oil-buddy... I mean ally. Whatever. Words don't matter! Try to talk some sense into Ali "the Grand Smurf" Khamenei or Kim Jong-effing-il. These rogue regimes only understand crude force! Talking to them or threatening with UN resolutions is like talking to walls or slapping yourself with a dead carp. That's why I decided I've said enough already and I'm really sick of everything regarding these countries. I need a break from them. It won't be easy, because they won't let me rest - they're in the news every day! But I need to stop them bothering me. It's giving me Spock-ears!

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