✰ An incident like many others
Some of you, who follow me on Facebook and Twitter, know that I wrote this small bio:
Of course, I meant that jokingly. But I'd never imagine, that this would be enough for some people to trash me. Well, apparently I was wrong. I guess a bunch of Americans were so bored (probably sitting all day at McD's), my short bio became their highlight of the day. This is what I found today on Twitter:
There were more tweets then just these, a whole group of people was "debating" me because of my Twitter bio. Ain't that ridiculous? The only props I give to them is, that they're at least not anonymous like a bunch of other haters I had on this blog recently.
✰ Because I'm seriously sick!
Since their conversation was on such a "high" level, I'm sure they must be doctors. Because they diagnosed me with yellow fever and now I'm scared I may die. I got so nervous, I looked up the dictionary to find out more. I realized I'm really sick and these symptoms would describe my current state best:
"Symptoms of my yellow fever include shivering, arthralgia (joint pain), vomiting, anemia (caused by hemolysis), hemoglobinuria, retinal damage and convulsions with cyclical occurrence of sudden coldness followed by rigor and then fever and sweating lasting four to six hours, occurring every two days." [source]
Oh no!!! I'm gonna die soon! And as that guy said: Flame on! Oh yeah, flame me! Bring a flamethrower, because that may be the only way to cure my yellow fever!!
"Symptoms of my yellow fever include shivering, arthralgia (joint pain), vomiting, anemia (caused by hemolysis), hemoglobinuria, retinal damage and convulsions with cyclical occurrence of sudden coldness followed by rigor and then fever and sweating lasting four to six hours, occurring every two days." [source]
Oh no!!! I'm gonna die soon! And as that guy said: Flame on! Oh yeah, flame me! Bring a flamethrower, because that may be the only way to cure my yellow fever!!

Ok, enough of the nonsense. My question is:
My American friend says, it's because some Americans think it's racist, if you focus on one race (other than your own) too much. She even told me something she named an "ugly truth" about multi ethnic America. Here's what she said during our conversation:
"In the U.S., there are tons of minorities living together, competing for jobs, education, etc...unlike most other diverse countries where there are only one or two other minorities, so less competition. In the U.S., most minorities unknowingly compete for white approval and and respect. Unfortunately, whites in the U.S. do favor certain races more than others. Asians are one of them. Even when you go into white racist forums where Republicans, skinheads, KKK members tend to dwell, you would often hear them praising Asians much more than they will praise any other group. Republicans have been notorious for using Asians as the "model minority", stating that blacks and Hispanics should be just like them. And also...a lot of racist white men who may hate blacks and Hispanics, don't mind marrying an Asian woman, thus leading to hatred against Asian women from women of other races. Because they tend to connect that if whites approve of their kind "mixing" with a certain race, then they must favor that. Also, there are stereotypes in the U.S. in which Asians are "intelligent", "hard-working", etc..while blacks and Hispanics always crimes, form gangs, and live the life of violence. Rap music does nothing to help that image since it encourages rape, drugs, and violence."
She made great points and that's all logical and understandable to me, but these people tend to forget that I am not American, but Slovenian. And my friend immediately added:
"Of course, they don't get you're from a different country nor do they get you have different cultural backgrounds. If they did, you would think they'll be more open-minded, right?"
"In the U.S., there are tons of minorities living together, competing for jobs, education, etc...unlike most other diverse countries where there are only one or two other minorities, so less competition. In the U.S., most minorities unknowingly compete for white approval and and respect. Unfortunately, whites in the U.S. do favor certain races more than others. Asians are one of them. Even when you go into white racist forums where Republicans, skinheads, KKK members tend to dwell, you would often hear them praising Asians much more than they will praise any other group. Republicans have been notorious for using Asians as the "model minority", stating that blacks and Hispanics should be just like them. And also...a lot of racist white men who may hate blacks and Hispanics, don't mind marrying an Asian woman, thus leading to hatred against Asian women from women of other races. Because they tend to connect that if whites approve of their kind "mixing" with a certain race, then they must favor that. Also, there are stereotypes in the U.S. in which Asians are "intelligent", "hard-working", etc..while blacks and Hispanics always crimes, form gangs, and live the life of violence. Rap music does nothing to help that image since it encourages rape, drugs, and violence."
She made great points and that's all logical and understandable to me, but these people tend to forget that I am not American, but Slovenian. And my friend immediately added:
"Of course, they don't get you're from a different country nor do they get you have different cultural backgrounds. If they did, you would think they'll be more open-minded, right?"
✰ Note to haters
Americans, don't assume that everyone around the world sees race relations like you! I grew up in Slovenia, which is predominantly white country. I didn't grow up with Asians, African Americans and Hispanics like you. The only other race in my country are Romani people ("gypsies") and we (in Slovenia) did have some racial tensions in with them before (the last time 2006). I was always someone, who spoke out against hate towards them, because I always speak out against racism of any kind! You most likely have no idea who they are and what issue I'm talking about, but that's fine! I won't lecture you about that and you please stop lecturing me what is right or wrong about my relation to Asians (or any other race for that matter)!
If you call me a creep, I will call you a troll. I had so many of you this year, I guess trolling is the new hobby for people who are too bored to write something meaningful. Do you really have to attack others, tear them down, just to feel better? Or are you actual trolls like these below?
If you call me a creep, I will call you a troll. I had so many of you this year, I guess trolling is the new hobby for people who are too bored to write something meaningful. Do you really have to attack others, tear them down, just to feel better? Or are you actual trolls like these below?

Oh, and btw someone really commented this crap on my blog.
Who would've thought, that such a silly statement, that was meant as a joke for my many female Asian followers, would make people call me creep and debate me: A person they don't know, a person that should not matter in their lives. Kids these days, sheesh... The truth is, I do have many female Asian followers on my blog, Twitter and Facebook. And they all know me and they're cool with all that. And btw, none of them were forced to like me or follow me. I can't be that bad then, can I? Still doubting?
Ask my current Taiwanese girlfriend, if I'm a creep. Ask my Chinese ex and her family (at least 20 people), with whom I've lived for many months in Malaysia and who still miss me, if I was a creep. And ask my over hundred other Asian female followers and friends like Manju, Shirley, Andhari, Ejann, Mel, Stefanie, Van, Sabrina, Jessica, Wenny, Adeline, Selvy, Angel, Sharon, Lai San, Kit, Angele, Kym and many many more, if I was a creep. I can guarantee you 100% of them would vouch for me. So this is not about me, it's about you and your ignorance. Common decency says don't call someone names, if you don't know them.
Ask my current Taiwanese girlfriend, if I'm a creep. Ask my Chinese ex and her family (at least 20 people), with whom I've lived for many months in Malaysia and who still miss me, if I was a creep. And ask my over hundred other Asian female followers and friends like Manju, Shirley, Andhari, Ejann, Mel, Stefanie, Van, Sabrina, Jessica, Wenny, Adeline, Selvy, Angel, Sharon, Lai San, Kit, Angele, Kym and many many more, if I was a creep. I can guarantee you 100% of them would vouch for me. So this is not about me, it's about you and your ignorance. Common decency says don't call someone names, if you don't know them.
This blog is not everything who I am. My life is not only about Asia, but I chose to blog about Asian related topics, because that's what currently interests me. I write here about whatever I want and like. My interests change through time, I wrote a lot about US politics in 2008. And 2009 was focused a lot on Asia in general, 2010 will be a lot about Taiwan. I have no idea, what I will write about in 2011. Whatever it will be, if you don't like it (or don't like me), leave! Don't waste my time, kthxbai.
✰ About White fever and real creeps
I know so many Asian female bloggers, who post pics of hot white men, do they have white fever? I know many Asian guys, who like Western women and blog about them. Do I label them as creeps? No I don't. I respect all women. I don't stereotype or exoticize any particular race and their women. I see many women as beautiful: Asian, Black, White, Latino and many others, you name it. The race doesn't make someone beautiful, but the personality. But I do prefer certain types of women, who appeal to me more than others. And that makes me no different than any other man. If I'm a creep, then every man is. The truth is: Real creeps are ignorant and judgemental people, who show no respect. I always respect women and that's why I have so many female friends.
Those, who are interested in White male/Asian female relationships, here's a good article about that and it's about those relationships, that base on true love and affection (like in my case):
Honesty about That Which Disturbs Us: Discussion of the Relationships between White Men and Asian Women Needs More Truthfulness
Those, who are interested in White male/Asian female relationships, here's a good article about that and it's about those relationships, that base on true love and affection (like in my case):
Honesty about That Which Disturbs Us: Discussion of the Relationships between White Men and Asian Women Needs More Truthfulness
✰ To Jasmin, another creep obsessed with me
Jasmin, an unknown and boring blogger, obsessed with black/white race relations, who thinks her opinion on race is the only right one, massively wasted my time with her long comments (seriously, people should get a life!), implying I was a creep and a racist and whatnot, but at same time admitting that she doesn't know me at all. Not only did she write extremely long comments, she even wrote a post about me on her garbage blog, calling me a creep and a racist and even compared me to a w*gger: She's clearly sick in the head. That post about me is the only one on her blog, that some people actually have read and commented, even proved her wrong with their comments. But she just doesn't care what others say: In her world she's right and everyone else is wrong. One of the comments by someone I don't know (it's none of my followers), really nailed it and she totally lost it (made me chuckle). I decided to publish the comment here, before she deletes it on her blog:
An Observer said...
You have to be one of the most arrogant, self-centered people ever to happen upon the blogosphere.
You are literally obsessed with the topic of race. The problem is that you view things through a very narrow American lens. There is a whole world of social norms outside of your University.
It is none of your business if this person likes Asian women. It's none of your business if a white person identifies with black culture.
What I find most sad about you is that most of what you say is academic dribble. It is abundantly clear that you grew up in the suburbs, had a middle class upbringing and now think that by virtue of your skin color, you have some sort of expertise on racial relations.
Get some real life experience. Why don't go spend some real time in these inner city neighborhoods you like to pontificate about? Get to know the black, white, hispanic and asian people who live there (yes, they ALL do).
Maybe when you live more of life, you will realize that life is not all about race and racial relations. People are people. There is racism but there is also a lot of good.
As you like to say to people "IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU"
2/13/2010 7:19 AM
✰ What's your take on all this?
Debate respectfully. Don't get down on their level. Thanks.
[Tiny.URL: http://tinyurl.com/MKLsAnswerToHaters][Zombie flamethrower]
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