This will be pretty random, can you handle it?
The routine is back and I'm really sooooo bored sometimes. I mean, in my head there's nothing except randomness. Ok, it wasn't hard to write my last post, because spammers lit[t]er[ed]ally flooded my blog, so I had to take action and send them a strong message! But guess what? Even that post got a spam comment #FML. I guess deleting is the only way to keep them away, Manju's famous secret army of ninjas and monsters failed miserably. I saw them in a back yard down in Solferino eating cake. Well, what do you expect, right? I guess I need to keep deleting spam manually. If that's the price to pay when you're a tinly little tad more popular... well, so be it. But if this blogmestic violence becomes bigger, I will have to lock my comments again -_-
Speaking of locked, look what I've found:

You can find more of this awesome stuff on Lamebook. Those who need something a bit harder, you can check Fuckbook (found this via @sabyj's blog). Sheesh, there it is, I said it! The "F" word. Now my blog will go down the drain #FML. Speaking of these online-books, I just saw some awesome jokes on Manju's Facebook wall and I will straight out post them here, because I'm bold like that today:
Manju's boyfriend took her to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took boyfriend's order first."I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please." The waiter asked: "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?" "Nah, she can order for herself." And then the fight started...
Manju is standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror. She is not happy with what she sees and says to her boyfriend: "I feel horrible! I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment." "The boyfriend replies: "Your eyesight's damn near perfect." And then the fight started...
Manju and her boyfriend are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while they were in bed. Boyfriend turned to her and said: "Do you want to have sex?" "No," she answered. Boyfriend then said: "Is that your final answer?" Manju didn't even look at him this time, simply saying "Yes." So boyfriend said: "Then I'd like to phone a friend."And that's when the fight started...
The biggest joke for me was: Manju doesn't have a boyfriend [as for 6.1.2009 at 5am in Solferino]. This was all posted by a funny friend of Manju's named GREAT.VIKIUS. I hope he doesn't mind becoming famous because of me. Well, who knows, maybe that's what he intended to become by posting those jokes on Manju's wall.
Speaking of Manju, I recieved her Christmas card two days ago! Hello? Christmas is over like... so long ago! Duh... and OMG, I am not sure whether the Mauritian postmen are lazy or weather the card was stuck in Zimbabwe for a week. Or maybe our postmen here are slobs. No idea, but each of these possibilities would not surprise me... but well, it will forever remain a mystery why this card traveled so long.
The routine is back and I'm really sooooo bored sometimes. I mean, in my head there's nothing except randomness. Ok, it wasn't hard to write my last post, because spammers lit[t]er[ed]ally flooded my blog, so I had to take action and send them a strong message! But guess what? Even that post got a spam comment #FML. I guess deleting is the only way to keep them away, Manju's famous secret army of ninjas and monsters failed miserably. I saw them in a back yard down in Solferino eating cake. Well, what do you expect, right? I guess I need to keep deleting spam manually. If that's the price to pay when you're a tinly little tad more popular... well, so be it. But if this blogmestic violence becomes bigger, I will have to lock my comments again -_-
Speaking of locked, look what I've found:
You can find more of this awesome stuff on Lamebook. Those who need something a bit harder, you can check Fuckbook (found this via @sabyj's blog). Sheesh, there it is, I said it! The "F" word. Now my blog will go down the drain #FML. Speaking of these online-books, I just saw some awesome jokes on Manju's Facebook wall and I will straight out post them here, because I'm bold like that today:
Manju's boyfriend took her to a restaurant. The waiter, for some reason, took boyfriend's order first."I'll have the strip steak, medium rare, please." The waiter asked: "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?" "Nah, she can order for herself." And then the fight started...
Manju is standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror. She is not happy with what she sees and says to her boyfriend: "I feel horrible! I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you to pay me a compliment." "The boyfriend replies: "Your eyesight's damn near perfect." And then the fight started...
Manju and her boyfriend are watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while they were in bed. Boyfriend turned to her and said: "Do you want to have sex?" "No," she answered. Boyfriend then said: "Is that your final answer?" Manju didn't even look at him this time, simply saying "Yes." So boyfriend said: "Then I'd like to phone a friend."And that's when the fight started...
The biggest joke for me was: Manju doesn't have a boyfriend [as for 6.1.2009 at 5am in Solferino]. This was all posted by a funny friend of Manju's named GREAT.VIKIUS. I hope he doesn't mind becoming famous because of me. Well, who knows, maybe that's what he intended to become by posting those jokes on Manju's wall.
Speaking of Manju, I recieved her Christmas card two days ago! Hello? Christmas is over like... so long ago! Duh... and OMG, I am not sure whether the Mauritian postmen are lazy or weather the card was stuck in Zimbabwe for a week. Or maybe our postmen here are slobs. No idea, but each of these possibilities would not surprise me... but well, it will forever remain a mystery why this card traveled so long.
[click to enlarge]

Have you seen what Manju wrote? She picked on people (actually mice) who are midgeter than her. That's midgestic violence! I studied this card thoroughly and I figured out that Manju has a split personality: There's a good and a bad Manju [a berry berry bad Manju!]:
- The bad one uses a black pen and taunts midgets, has an evil laugh
- The good one uses a blue pen and tries to justify the bad one's evil actions
Seriously disturbing, don't you think? I wonder which Manju will comment on my blog today. *trembling, biting nails, sweating...
Speaking of Christmas. What did you have for dinner? I had chicken:

Besides eating chicken with socks (<-double-meaning), I watched TV on Christmas and I saw something that really hurt my Asian feelings. Those damn ang moh can't stop to bully us Asians!

I will be soon in Asia, so you can be sure, that I'm trying to prepare myself well to have a smooth transition. In this case this warning won't apply to me, I don't have any grandmas. If those Asian youngsters don't believe me and still want to kill my grandma [a seriously disturbing thought >_<], I will just tell them:

Alright! I wanna be frank here. The photo above reminded me that I haven't been with a woman for a long while now... Ok, chances are good that I will be with one soon, but I try to be strong, you know. I do my best and most of the time I succeed. But then, I can only deny it soooo much, because the Universe has a weird way to slap me in the face, usually in a very weird way, as it's obvious here, when I was just about to write an untrue comment:

I better stop here, this is going nowhere. I tag Shingo, Manju, Great.Vikius, Nahl, ShAKirA CHOONG, Bananazą“ and Superman to write a random post with random things and link back to my post because I invented this game. And if you do that you'll get the award Random Blogger from me. Ain't that something? FTW, people, FTW!!!
On a side note: Lily did the 10 honest things about her post, please check that out and get to know her better. And I also did a post on Andhari's blog, check here. Thanks.
Do you have any comments? :P
[Photos: 1 by Lamebook, 2 by Manju and my scanner, 3 Lily, 4 probably on HuffPost, 5 probably on RCA, 6 My magic fingers]
Speaking of Christmas. What did you have for dinner? I had chicken:
Socks are such a turn-off, don't you think? I prefer it without socks. FTW!
Besides eating chicken with socks (<-double-meaning), I watched TV on Christmas and I saw something that really hurt my Asian feelings. Those damn ang moh can't stop to bully us Asians!
I will be soon in Asia, so you can be sure, that I'm trying to prepare myself well to have a smooth transition. In this case this warning won't apply to me, I don't have any grandmas. If those Asian youngsters don't believe me and still want to kill my grandma [a seriously disturbing thought >_<], I will just tell them:
Leave my grandma alone!
If you want to kill someone...
Alright! I wanna be frank here. The photo above reminded me that I haven't been with a woman for a long while now... Ok, chances are good that I will be with one soon, but I try to be strong, you know. I do my best and most of the time I succeed. But then, I can only deny it soooo much, because the Universe has a weird way to slap me in the face, usually in a very weird way, as it's obvious here, when I was just about to write an untrue comment:
I better stop here, this is going nowhere. I tag Shingo, Manju, Great.Vikius, Nahl, ShAKirA CHOONG, Bananazą“ and Superman to write a random post with random things and link back to my post because I invented this game. And if you do that you'll get the award Random Blogger from me. Ain't that something? FTW, people, FTW!!!
On a side note: Lily did the 10 honest things about her post, please check that out and get to know her better. And I also did a post on Andhari's blog, check here. Thanks.
Do you have any comments? :P
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