Let me introduce you my exceptional friend

I came across this lovely lady 3 months ago on Twitter. Where else, right? Seems like Twitter is a place to meet the most awesome people.
Adeline Lee (born 1985) is definitely one of those. And she's also one of these women, when you see them, you just have to ask them something like:
Are you a model? And I think that was one of the first questions I had in our initial tweet exchange. And yes,
she is a model. But not only that - she's a model you'll
definitely remember. What captivated me most about her were her eyes. She's got that uniquely deep look with big radiant eyes you can't really forget. Check the photo above and below:
Amazing eyes, right?

But apart from the eyes, she's got an awesome body, which is obvious in the next pics (She's 163cm tall). Have you noticed the leopard outfits? Seems as she has a special affection for leopards, because she uses the nickname leopardladyy for her blog, Twitter and other websites. But more about that later in the interview.

This my personal fav photo of Adeline. I love those sunnies.

I like this one: Black, white and blue colors, a perfect composition.

Now that you know a little about Adeline, let's hear what she has to say. I decided to make a small interview with her, it's my first, so wish me luck :-) So here's a little conversation I had with the amazing
Singaporean model
Adeline Lee:
How do your friends call you? Any nicknames?They all call me Adeline, but my family calls me 'ah Yong' in Chinese (my Chinese name in short), I hate it because it sounds like a guy's name. Lol.
I noticed you use 'leopardladyy' as your online name. How come?Because I love leopard prints so much! hehe. I love animal prints. :) Everyone knows it's my trademark now, haha!
When did you begin modeling and how did it start?I started modeling early this year. It all started when a photographer approached me for shoots, and then I find myself doing it till now...It's fun.
Share some of your favorite models, female and male.I love Devon Aoki, she's a model turned actress. She has very unique features. And from male models Randall Tan from Singapore.
What is your favorite look when it comes to fashion?The wild smokey eyes look is my all time favourite.
What kind of shoes are your favorite? I love high heels, but it always gives me nasty blisters. I love boots too, but it's not very appropriate to wear in Singapore, unless it's for special occasions etc.
Share your favorite make-up brands for my female readers.I love MAC cosmetics, eg. their liquid foundation and concealer provides great coverage which is suitable for parties/shoots. And I always wear Maybelline mascaras, I think they are alot better than those expensive brands. I don't have to wear any fake lashes at all!
Now let's talk about some topics that aren't related to modeling. What do you do in your free time? What are your hobbies?I love reading novels/literatures. And singing is also my hobby.
Where did you travel and which place did you like the most? I've only been to Bangkok and Hong Kong/Shenzhen. But I really love Bangkok. Apart from all the cheap bargains, their simplicity of lifestyle appeals to me, it gave me a nostalgic feeling.
What's your favorite food? Do you cook and what do you cook best?Lol. My fave food is pasta/sphagetti and tom yam. And I just learned how to cook pasta, haha. I want to try cooking tom yam next. :)
What are your favorite TV shows?My fave tv shows are American next topmodel and Prison Break. I don't really chase dramas, but watch a lot of movies.
Who is your favorite singer?Jam Hsiao.
What kind of guy is handsome for you?Like Wentworth Miller! Lol.
What kind of people annoy you the most?Ohh... I met a lot of annoying people while taking the train everyday in the morning. Weird people, who try to strike a conversation, people who squeeze and push like mad....
You're pretty, you must have many guys approaching you...Hahaha, but im married. Lolz.
How would you describe your character?I'm quite introverted. I tend to be very quiet around people I don't really know,and hence often being mistaken as aloof, which I'm really not. But with my close friends or family, I would be crazy!
Before we finish this little interview, do you have any special message for my readers?I wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy New year! Hope everyone enjoys good health and good luck for the coming year 2010! :)
Thank you for the lovely interview.Thanks for the time and effort. :)
Do you want more of Adeline? Check her websites below. Oh, and to the guys, who are drooling all over now, hold your horses: Adeline is happily married ;-)
[Last photo: By Roger Chua][Links:
Adeline Lee on Flickr]
Adeline's blog][
Adeline on Facebook][
Adeline's Twitter]
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