2009 is over! The year nearly ended. Yep. That's all folks. Pack your bags and get ready for a new ride, a new journey: 2010! The Tens are here. Woohoo! Are you excited or anxious? I'm excited! :-)
But before we start with a new year, let me say my sincerest thank you to all the people who left foot prints on My Kafkaesque life. I will especially thank those of you, who came at least few times and made me remember you. And let's see from which countries you came here (next year I shall compare and see how the list changed).
✰ My dear readers, followers, commentators, let me tell you:
Thank you! 谢谢! Danke! Bedankt! 謝謝!
Terima kasih! Salamat po! 고마워! Takk!
Terima kasih! Salamat po! 고마워! Takk!
✰ My commentators come from these awesome countries:
- MALAYSIA [20]: A Gust of Wind, Allison, Ai Shiang, Ejann, Envoy, Erny, Icedteamonster, Izso, Jerine, Jessica, Lily Riani, Kyh, Netster, Pinkpurplelizard, Sabrina, Sharon, Stefanie, Wenwen, Wenny, Zewt
- SINGAPORE [10]: Adeline, Dawn Yang, Della, Dhar, Nashe, Rinaz, Roxy, Shingo, Vampie, Ying Zi
- USA [9]: Amy Star, Bradley, Floreta, Mystery Lady, Sheri, Steph, Tricia, Van, Victoria
- THE PHILIPPINES [6]: Angel, E, Margee, Mel, Rica, Leah
- BRITAIN [5]: Adamantixx, Lai San, Prometheus, Vincent, ZACL
- MAURITIUS [4]: Angele, JaiMie, Kit, Manju
- GERMANY [2]: Justrecently, Junjie
- INDONESIA [2]: Andhari, Selvy
- PAKISTAN [2]: Desi, Nahl
- NETHERLANDS [1]: Shirley
- TAIWAN [1]: LilyChen
- S. KOREA [1]: Hwan
- THAILAND [1]: Kanchana
- NORWAY [1]: Carina
- JAMAICA [1]: Kirk
- CANADA [1]: Karen
- AUSTRALIA [1]: Sarah
*OMG, Malaysia should give me a free PR status :P
✰ Special gift to some of you commentators:
I thought of making tiny.urls for some of you. Those shortened links are very useful when you tweet and link to your blog. I first saw Shirley using this for her blog http://tinyurl.com/toothfairynotes. These links never expire, so once you have one, it stays yours forever and you can use them everywhere. Mostly people use them on Twitter, but you can use them on your blog, Facebook or anywhere you wish. I first did some for Stefanie, here http://tinyurl.com/msstef and here http://tinyurl.com/MsStefanie. Then I decided to make some for the rest of my dear bloggers. I didn't make these for all of you, either because of lacking ideas or your blog URL was very short already. So here are my creations for some of you, hope you guys like it [*to copy the URL, first mark it and then press Ctrl + C]: Lovely Andhari http://tinyurl.com/ndeesblog - awesome Manju http://tinyurl.com/manjugone - incredible Sharon http://tinyurl.com/sharonsworld - cool Jerine http://tinyurl.com/jerinestyle - cute Mel http://tinyurl.com/melscorner - witty Shingo http://tinyurl.com/shing0 - super funny Jessica http://tinyurl.com/j3ssica and another candy http://tinyurl.com/pussica :P - dear sis Selvy http://tinyurl.com/selvy - Japan lover Envoy http://tinyurl.com/TEFAfar - beautiful Adeline http://tinyurl.com/adelinelee and another for you http://tinyurl.com/leolady - lovely Van http://tinyurl.com/myinsanity - dearest amiga Lai San http://tinyurl.com/supersan and a shorter one http://tinyurl.com/LiSan - cool Nashe http://tinyurl.com/lanashty - gracious JaiMie http://tinyurl.com/soflawed - super kind Victoria http://tinyurl.com/vpaege - lovely Angel http://tinyurl.com/angelgoddess - awesomely cool Ejann http://tinyurl.com/ejannz - funny Sabrina http://tinyurl.com/sabyj and last but not least, two awesome links for beloved Lily http://tinyurl.com/LilyChen and http://tinyurl.com/yulinga
*Hope some of you guys find my creations useful ;-)

Bradley, Junjie, Sharon, Adamantixx, Jerine, Andhari, Manju, Shirley, Selvy, Angel, Lily, Shingo, Floreta, Stefanie, Ejann, Carina, Rica, ZACL, Nashe and Prometheus.
And if you want to see a year in review Google Wave style, check this link. It'll lead you to an awesome short video about the most interesting events in 2009. Enjoy. And I wish you a
Happy and prosperous New year 2010!
See you soon again!
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