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“There is a birthday party scheduled that she is contracted to do at Pure. It’s scheduled for July 2. That hasn’t changed. Nothing has been canceled as of now.”In fact, the deal for Lindsay’s party was inked last December, Heller says.
“Just because you’re sober doesn’t mean you can’t go out and have fun. Part of sobriety is that you can go out into normal society and just go out. Who says you can’t move your boot on the dance floor?”
"Paris was busted September 7, 2006 -- and around 5 months later, she had already lost her driving privileges and was later arrested for violating her probation for driving on the suspended license. Richie was busted for DUI on December 11, 2006 -- and almost 6 months later, she is not only still driving ... but the California DMV hasn't even begun to take action against her.
TMZ spoke with Deputy District Attorney Ed Greene, a prosecutor assigned to Nicole's DUI case, who admitted, "I am a little surprised too." However, Greene pointed out that until Richie is actually convicted of DUI, the decision to revoke or suspend her license is up to the folks at the California DMV. Greene added, "They generally do it quicker than this."
We contacted the California DMV to try and get some answers, and the rep said: "I have no idea why Nicole still has her license.'"
"Seeing is believing, as Star magazine knows. That's why it illustrated its cover story about "Jen's $5 Million Tell-All!" with a shot of Jennifer Aniston carrying what is plainly the manuscript she's allegedly shopping around to publishers about her days with Brad Pitt.
But hang on—maybe Jen's not really writing a book? In which case, maybe Star's cover actually shows something else—say, Aniston attending an auction, holding an art catalog from Los Angeles Modern Auctions? And maybe Star simply airbrushed out the cover of the catalog, along with a pair of sunglasses she was holding, for good measure?
Yeah, that sounds more plausible. Especially coming from the company that brought you Andy Roddick's digitally enhanced pythons.
Asked about the manipulation, an AMI spokesperson said, "Every magazine in this category chooses cover photos that best describe the story."
Original photo:
"My sources are telling me some good ish these days. And I definitely wouldn't be surprised if this tidbit had some truth to it. Word has it a certain songstress has been put on blast and her current beau has chunked the deuce to their somewhat public relationship. And when they are seen together..it looks like nothing but love. They've been kickin' it a couple years and hit up events together every now and then...mainly throwing surprise parties for each other...and rumors spread weekly about their impending nuptials happening in Nevurary. I told y'all a while back the songbird never really ended things with her married ex-boss but supposedly they are still kickin' it on the low. Boss man never liked the homerun loving current beau and there has been constant friction for years.
But now...the current beau has allegedly been slapped in the face with some foolish proof that his main chick and her boss are still an item. After he's been telling everybody an engagement is in the very near future. So after he picked up his face, he ended the relationship very recently. Apparently all pics of his ex-main chick have been removed from his myspace page and word has it he's even trying to get back with his previous ex. Breakups to makeups...gotta love it. Same girl, same story, different day."
"Well, thanks for the hits, Mandee. Though I do have to point out that most days there isn't a Chris Sligh post, so I doubt that's absolutely true. I check it daily, believe me, I know. Also, I can tell where traffic is coming from, and though there are a few hits per day, the majority of hits do not come from that. Granted, people might actually learn the address and skip ontd altogether. But I have a feeling people actually find the site enjoyable. Maybe I'm delusional.
I'm glad you're proud of ontd...they're great, if greatness is equated with sitting on the sidelines critiquing people more famous than them. But hey I guess somebody has to do it. They're great at what they do,
By the way, what is the average age of the editors of ontd? Just wondering for my own satisfaction.
Very soon, as you guys have pointed out, I'll no longer be a celebrity and there'll be no need for posting about me.
Until then,
Peace and love,
Chris "