.................Slovenia - Russia 1:0.................
Tonight was an awesome night. My country Slovenia played against Russia to qualify for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. All the pundits clearly favored Russia, who has an excellent national football team full of renowned stars. We were clearly the underdog, but we knew we have a big heart and a strong desire. And yes... and yes... we won! We qualified! Woohoo!
See the photos below (and go over them with the mouse):
Comparing to Russia, we're a dwarf.

The game took place in my hometown, Maribor.

Many Russian fans came to see the game.

Even the Russian president paid Slovenia a visit.

Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich flew in with a private jet.

At this point the Russian president was still happy.

The game was great. We played better and we definitely deserved to win.

Last 10min were nerve-racking, I couldn't watch... But at last, we won!
A dream came true! We're going to Africa! An unforgettable night!

Those who follow the Worldcup qualifications know how I feel now :-) I'm not really a proud person when it comes to national pride, but this truly is a big accomplishment for our national team and I can say I feel a bit patriotic tonight. I will sleep with a big smile on my face.

Links: [RTV, 24Ur, DELO][Can Slovenia Win the World Cup? article]
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