Yay! I'm so happy today. My dear and lovely bloggy friend Manju (from the blog where She's Constantly Gone) sent me a postcard from her beautiful country Mauritius. Look!

We actually swapped postcards, so I hope she will get my card from Slovenia soon. I really wonder when mine will arrive at her place. I hope it won't take so long, I have my reasons ;)
I must say that before I knew Manju, I didn't know a lot about Mauritius [check Wiki]. I knew it's an island nation located somewhere in the Indian ocean. I'd probably look somewhere near the Maldives, because they're a bit more known. Many people go to Maldives on vacation here, but less so to Mauritius. So when you look on the world map, you can easily remember that Mauritius is closer to Africa, actually right next Madagascar and the Maldives are closer to Asia, actually right next to India.
Ok, so thru Manju I learned a lot about Mauritius. Here are some random facts, based on my own personal experiences (so please don't sue me, if you experience something different):
1 Mauritians are very friendly, besides Manju, I got to know Angele and Jaimie, two lovely Mauritian bloggers, who are always very kind and funny. Check out their blogs.
2 Never offer cake to Mauritians! They'll take it very seriously and they'll let you know many many times that you need to keep your promise [*yes, that was on the postcard, too :P].
3 Mauritian kids will stare at you like an owl. You don't belive it? Read here.
4 Cakes in the shape of the famous game Pac man are totally in there now, see here.
5 Mauritians are very pragmatic. If the stamp doesn't fit the postcard, the will fold it over the edge and to the other side. I shall name that a lolstamp (see the pic above).
Thanks again, Manju, for the lovely card. Now I just hope mine will be delivered to you in one piece and with no lolstamps, hehe. This was fun. Hope others do that some time, too.
Thanks again, Manju, for the lovely card. Now I just hope mine will be delivered to you in one piece and with no lolstamps, hehe. This was fun. Hope others do that some time, too.
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