I couldn't believe it, when I heard that during the World Cup in South Africa, the two glorious European nations of Slovenistan and Slovakistan were mixed up again! Oh yeah, I'm talking about Slovenia and Slovakia of course. It's just impossible for some people to understand that they are two separate and different European countries, even though they share some common historic roots, have a similar name, speak a similar language and have a similar flag. But it's not really that hard to distinguish them, if you just put a little effort and remember the differences. So for those, who still don't know that Slovenia and Slovakia are two different countries, let me share with you the most basic differences...
Slovenia always on the left, Slovakia always on the right
1 The flags: Forget the colors! White, blue, red... it's all the same. Just focus on the two coats of arms, because that's what makes us different. Our flags without them would look like the Russian flag anyway. Remember that Slovenia's coat of arms is "stars, Triglav mountain and sea", Slovakia's coat of arms is "double cross on a mountain". Triglav is Slovenia's highest mountain, 2864m tall and our national symbol. Triglav
(pronounced tree-glau)
means "Three headed" (see the shape).
✰ Slovenia's national symbol is a mountain named Triglav.
✰ Slovakia's national symbol is a double cross.
2 Location and size: Both countries are located in central Europe, Slovenia in the southern part, Slovakia in the eastern. Slovakia is more than two times bigger than Slovenia and has a more than two times bigger population than Slovenia (2 millions vs. 5.3 millions). Slovenia is located near the Adriatic sea and has a small coast, Slovakia is a landlocked country. In addition: The capital city of Slovenia is Ljubljana (pronounced Lyoob-lya-nah), the capital city of Slovakia is Bratislava (pronounced Brah-tee-slah-vah).
✰ Slovenia is smaller, less populated than Slovakia and has a small coast.
✰ Slovenia is smaller, less populated than Slovakia and has a small coast.
✰ Slovakia is bigger, more populated than Slovenia, but it doesn't have a coast.

3 At the World Cup: The Slovenian National Football team's main uniforms are green with the Triglav motif on the chest, which is found in our coat of arms. The Slovakian National Football team's main uniforms are blue with the coat of arms on the chest (which includes the double cross motif).
✰ Slovenia -> green -> Triglav
✰ Slovakia -> blue -> double cross
✰ Slovakia -> blue -> double cross
4 The football fans: Same as before, the Slovenian fan loves to wear green, paints small flags (or the coat of arms) on their body or just the Triglav motif. The Slovak fan loves to wear blue with red and white and usually draws the double cross motif on their body.
✰ Slovenian fans wear green, the Triglav motif is most common.
✰ Slovakian fans wear blue, the double cross motif is most common.
✰ Slovakian fans wear blue, the double cross motif is most common.
Read more about: Ljubljana, Slovenia and Bratislava, Slovakia
So is it really that hard to distinguish these two countries? One is big, one is small, one loves green, one loves blue. One worships a famous mountain, one worships the double cross. It's so simple, if you just spend 5 min to study the main differences. So are you now able to explain the main differences to someone who has no clue about Slovenia and Slovakia? If your answer is yes, then you passed my test and I congratulate you. If your answer is no, study more on the subject here and here.
For those who have more than 5 min: Here are some more differences between Slovenia and Slovakia, but read only, if you have basic knowledge in linguistics and history:
5 The similar names: If you go back in history, some 2000 years ago in Europe, there was no Slovenians or Slovaks in the modern sense, but our common ancestors, the Slavs (in their language they called themselves Slověni) and only the later Slovenians and Slovaks kept in the same root "slov-" in their names. "Slov-" means "word" (Slověni were therefore the people who speak same words or language, source). Now, besides us Slovenians and the Slovaks, there are other Slavs or Slavic peoples these days like Russians, Poles, Czechs, Croats, Serbians and others... We share a common historic and linguistic origin. Our languages have many similarities, more than German and English for example. That's why it's no wonder, that the names of our countries (Slovenia and Slovakia) are mistaken a lot, since they sound alike and even share a common origin. But it gets crazier...
ENJOY SOME LANGUAGE CONFUSION! Let me see, if you can understand following:
In Slovenian language:
01 Slovenia in Slovenian: Slovenija (pronounced Slo-véh-nee-ya)
01 Slovenia in Slovenian: Slovenija (pronounced Slo-véh-nee-ya)
02 Slovakia in Slovenian: Slovaška (pronounced Slo-vásh-kah)
03 Slovenian woman in Slovenian: Slovenka (pronounced Slo-véhn-ka)
04 Slovenian man in Slovenian: Slovenec (pronounced Slo-véhn-ets)
05 Slovakian woman in Slovenian: Slovakinja (pronounced Slo-váh-kee-nya)
06 Slovakian man in Slovenian: Slovak (pronounced Slo-váh-k)
07 Slovenian language in Slovenian: Slovenščina (pronounced Slo-vénsh-chee-na)
08 Slovak language in Slovenian: Slovaščina (pronounced Slo-vásh-chee-na)
In Slovakian langauge:
01 Slovakia in Slovakian: Slovensko (pronounced Sló-vehn-sko)
02 Slovenia in Slovakian: Slovinsko (pronounced Sló-veen-sko)
03 Slovakian woman in Slovakian: Slovenka (pronounced Sló-vehn-ka)
04 Slovakian man in Slovakian: Slovák (pronounced Sló-vah-k)
05 Slovenian woman in Slovakian: Slovinka (pronounced Sló-veen-ka)
06 Slovenian man in Slovakian: Slovinec (pronounced Sló-veen-ets)
07 Slovakian language in Slovakian: Slovenčina (pronounced Sló-vehn-chee-na)
08 Slovenian language in Slovakian: Slovinčina (pronounced Sló-veen-chee-na)
Do you have a headache already? Hehehe... well, I know it's complicated, because it sounds really similar, but we know what we're talking about and so do the Slovaks. But actually you don't need to know all that, screw Slovenka or Slovinka (I mean figuratively), just remember that SLOVENIA is the only country in the world, that has LOVE in its name ;-)
Anyhow, the only thing that matters these days is the World Cup! While Slovenia beat Algeria few days ago, Slovakia has only drawn with New Zealand today. Objectively speaking, we currently have a better football team than Slovakia. ;-) If anyone has arguments against mine, let the debate begin. Until then...
Slovenija gre naprej!*
On my blog before: Where is Slovenia? (A cute Slovenian girl explains it for you)
You can also join Facebook groups: I'm from Slovenia....bitch...NOT Slovakia
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