Another popular girl in TaiwanThis post is related to
my previous one. My girlfriend told me, that there's a girl in Taiwan with a similar look as
Elly Tran Ha, the Vietnamese girl I've introduced in my previous post. My girlfriend gave me a link to her photos and it was quite quickly obvious, that they fit in the same type of petite figured beauties with a large chest.
Yao Yao 瑤瑤 (or Guo Shu Yao, Chinese 郭書瑤, as her real name) was born 1990 in Taiwan. She became popular in 2008 as a game show host and due to her curvacious and cute appearance, she became popular online and transferred to TV and modelling. In addition to that, she even released her 1st single in 2009. I guess a career in show business is easier for those who look good, huh?

UPDATE: For those who can't get enough of Yao Yao, she now has her own fanpage and blog, how cool is that? :-) The photo above is a screen cap from her personal website named, please check that out, if you're a fan. You can even become a member! Browse through her beautiful photos, see her videos and much much more. But there's even more than that! Wanna read Yao Yao's blog? You can do that now. The blog is in Chinese, but there's many private photos of her, you'll find it here: The one linked below on Wretch, was recently closed. So please go and click on the Pixnet one. Enjoy :-)
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