...but the stress is on sometimes! Heck, if you do that all the time, how can you expect people will like you or that you won't attract haters? What's the point of blogging, if you're always the greatest and everybody else is wrong? Do you think people will like to read your verbal golden showers all the time?
As personal bloggers we are seldom objective, because we don't look for the actual truth, we write from our own perspectives, which are sometimes far from the actual reality. We don't strive to be fair and balanced, why would we? Sometimes we don't reveal everything, sometimes we make ourselves look stronger, smarter, funnier - sometimes we don't want to look vulnerable. That's all fine to me, if it's just sometimes. Everybody does it from time to time. But the personal bloggers I really like and admire (Andhari, Angel, Floreta, Jerine, Nashe, Rica, Sharon and Selvy), never take themselves too seriously. I've seen them vulnerable, I've seen them being sorry, I've seen them admitting their flaws and wrongs (read their TMI Thursdays), I've seen them laugh about themselves. They are never full of themselves!
And that's the kind of bloggers I truly like and appreciate. Because I, too, am as honest as I can be on this platform: I write about my highs and lows, my desires, depressions and happy moments. I can say sorry. I do learn from my mistakes. I'm aware of the things I say and I do evolve. And that's the most important thing. All good bloggers will say: OMG, look at my first posts, how silly they were. Yea, we start randomly, scribble down few emotions and post. But we evolve and mature thru time. And that's how it's supposed to be, if you want to call yourself an adult. Online and offline.
That's why I can't stand people who are always full of themselves - people who always portray themselves as the best and whatnot and everyone else, who disagrees with them (or who even dares to criticize them), will be slammed back. You can deem yourself a celeb, a smartass or a troublemaker, but you're a #loser for me! Don't you see how insecure you really are? By criticizing everything and everyone but yourself, you want to blind yourself from your own insecurities. It's always the outside world's fault and never yours. You think you do everything perfectly and you never understand why people are the way they are and why they react the way they do. However, you are the problem, not them.
How about you do a little reflecting on your own actions sometimes?
How about saying a little genuine sorry and admiting your mistakes
from time to time? It wouldn't kill ya, would it?
Heck, I don't care about this kind of bloggers/commentators anymore. I just don't follow them. Everyone can blog whatever they want, they can even write about me. I don't care. There will always be assholes online and offline. Best is to ignore them. Life's too short. Have you ever encountered bloggers like described here? What do you think about them?
*This is not about any of you, my bloggy friends and twiens. It was triggered by various posts I've recently read on some random blogs, but it's not directed to one person in particular. I hope it can be applicable to bloggers in general who behave the way it was described above. [Photo: Source]
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