I just realized, I'm almost 3o and never proposed. I had 3 shots (3 long term relationships), yet I blew it. I have to say, I was never a fan of weddings, because in my country almost half of the people don't marry, they just live together, have kids... that's normal here. Marry, not marry, no difference here. But when I started dating Asian women, weddings and marriage is like crucial in every person's life. First I was sceptical, but then I realized that most people in Asia marry and they stay together (unlike Europe), so there's nothing cynical about weddings. They are taken very seriously and they are big, expensive and sometimes there's even people attending who you don't really know well. Here it's usually only people you personally know well.
Regardless the facts, I just never proposed. I guess I was afraid. It just didn't feel right, but I still held on to the relationship. I'm weird. But the older I get, the more I wish to propose to someone and marry. If I didn't have the Asian-experience, I probably wouldn't ever think about marriage and proposing. So, I will propose to the first woman who comments here. I'm so desperate. Haha...
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