And what we have now? A Batman full of vengeance, a blond James Bond full of anger? Most of the movies nowadays are sometimes so complicated, that you really don't get the begining and the end. Some just don't make sense and a happy end is rather exceptional than the norm. Movies nowadays are about special effects rather than plots. That's why you get something for the eye, but nothing for the brain and heart. There's exceptions, of course. But I'm talking about Bolly I mean Hollywood, the mainstream suppliers of movies. (Where's the difference anyway?) So, sometimes, when I off my laptop and sit infront of the TV, I just keep switching those channels and there's nothing to watch. Always, when I'm online on my laptop reading or writing a blog, I have CNN on. 10 years ago I would have MTV on... But what can I do? MTV is dead, too! I'm sick of those moronic 'reality shows' like Rock of Love or Paris Hilton looks for BFF. These shows are all fake and trashy. MTV should change its name, it's not a music television anymore. It's a freaking Freak show TV (what a sentence, if you use this one, please quote me). Anyway. TV is dead. It's shallow, fake and boring. One day I will tell my kids how it used to be. They will hardly believe me.
So, TV is dead. Internet is now about 15 years old, it's a teenager. Soon it'll be full age, then grown up... and it'll die around 2050 (my prediction). I'm sure something else will be born instead. But who knows... Ok, I'm switching off now. (Garfield)
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