Yes, that is Kirsten Dunst. Wow, they did an amazing touch up job on her, I thought. And where's her snaggle tooth?
Jane Interview with Bryce Dallas Howard and Kirsten Dunst:
Kirsten: I wish I were in a Bryce stage. I'd rather be with someone I love, at home making dinner, than be single, for sure.
But you must be having some fun.
Kirsten: It's fun. [She doesn't sound convinced.] It is. I'm happy. But life is about where Bryce is.
Bryce: I'm really happy, so I'm not going to argue. I was the worst single person on the planet! All I would do is stalk one person incessantly until he finally dated me.
Kirsten: Oh my God. [laughs].
Did you know your husband was "the one" right away, Bryce?
Bryce: Yes. The first time I saw him, I broke out into hives. I went home and wrote in my journal, "I met the man I'm going to marry." I just knew it. But he didn't know it for eight months.
Kirsten: For me, it's an intuitive thing. I have to be blown away or have a really good conversation and laugh with the person right away. Manny, who did our hair for Spider-Man 3, gives me advice and is soulful. He says I'm going to be pregnant within two years.
Bryce: Does that freak you out?
Kirsten: Yeah. I'm like, "Where's the dude?"
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