Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"The soap opera"

My girlfriend asked me yesterday, if a certain store, that sells expensive soaps, had a shop in my hometown in Slovenia. I have not heard about the brand, but she said in Taiwan one soap costs 30€. I asked her to give me a link to their website. I checked their homepage, but couldn't see, whether we have the same shop here and how much it cost.

So I replied: "I don't know, if we have this shop, but the soap is expensive here."

She said: "How much?"

I said: "30€." (I made that up)

She said: "How do you know?"

I replied: "I don't know, I'm just guessing. Why do you want to know that?"

She: "I want you to buy the soap for me and bring to Taiwan."

I replied: "Why? Why do you need that soap? It's a waste of money. You already have so many creams and whatnot." O.o

See, men will never understand women with these things. For me soap is soap. I wash my face and I don't care whether it's Loreal or Carrefour. I don't even think about browsing a soap manufacturer's website. But I can spend hours browsing watches and hot girls. Yep, guilty as charged: A man's man. And I ain't gonna change that any time soon :-P

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