Saturday, June 26, 2010

Super commentator award from Carina

Carina, the lovely blogarina from Norway, gave me a blog award named "Super comments award", that shows a panda on a stick of bamboo. I think she thought that's me, cuz pandas are European bears that moved to Asia... (just made up by me). And the chirping bird must be Carina. She's giving me a small twig with leaves, which represent my award. Woohoo. Thanks, Carina :-) You made one chubby panda happy, hehe.

Your award made me think about commenting. If someone blogs about food, people will say: Wow, looks good, you make me hungry. I also do that, because it's the best I can say. And most of the time it's really true. But MKL panda is hungry all the time anyway. So I don't lie. Do you lie, when you comment? Never? Come on, admit it. You haven't read, but you commented anyway. Why did you do it? Either, because you take commenting as a chore/duty or you it's because you read the post, but had no comments, however you want to let the blogger know that you've read their post, so that they know it and in return read your post and comment. Or godforbid not think that you don't read their blog anymore, but actually you do. So comments are intended to keep the bonds of your online friendship intact. To keep the online universe that you've created running normally, so you can have a normal life, of which blogging, tweeting and occasional Facebook comments are a vital part of it. That gives you a way to escape the stress at work or with family, friends or partners. Nothing wrong with that. 50 years ago people escaped into books. 30 years ago it was the TV. And in the last 10 years it's the internet. How many hours do we waste commenting on random stuff? Did you ever think about that? We could do so many things like... milking cows or something. But all we do now is we switch on our laptops and waste our time by... anyway, you know the drill. You're doing the same, don't you? ;-) What happened to us? We're jerking around with cellphones and ipads inods islobs laptops... Even, if we go out and meet friends, all we do is camwhore for the Facebook photos. It's like: Look at us, we had fun... Then sometimes I think: What did you actually do besides taking 200 something photos with random people and weird grimaces? And good job with Photoshop, your skin looks amazing without the pimples I saw in the club, lol.

Ok, so commenting. Sharing your thoughts, opinions, engaging in discussions... that seems to be tedious lately. But I don't care. I'm not a comment whore, I write whatever I feel I want to share. And my blog's traffic is out of control lately and I'm happy about that. I have less comments, but more readers. That good enough for me. Maybe some of you, who follow me for a while now, are not really interested in Taiwan or the World Cup, but there are many people, who are. And I want to cater to both, to you and to them. And in the end, I wanna blog what I want. So, if you don't have interest, just skip, who cares. Comments or no comments, it's up to you. Just don't complain, that's rude. It's not my job to entertain you, however, I'm still happy if you like to read what I have to say. And one more thing I learned through haters blogging, write your blog's comment policy, when you become popular. You will attract commentators, who may not be as pleasant as you wish. I must say, after being attacked and annoyed (and spammed) by annoying individuals, I tightened my commenting rules. As you know, I'm a neat freak, I want my blog clean and spam free... ah, let's not go too far. Back to something pleasant again...

Back to Carina. I think she's one of the best commentators I know. I love to agree or disagree with her. When she comments, she will defend her point passionately, but respectfully. How can you not like her? I admire her for what she has done with her blog. She can write about fashion, celebrities, events or abused women in Afghanistan. She's bolder than me, she will write about religion and politics, state her opinion and people will still love her. I think she's a fearless blogger and I really admire her for that, because I softened up in this regard. Topic-wise, she's a bit like me, both of us write about various things. Anyway, you need to follow Carina, at least put her in your Google Reader and check her blog occasionally. And I guarantee you'll love her. Maybe you'll hate her, too, but then you're too sensitive anyway and you better just stick with girly blogs about make-up. ;-)

Carina, you're someone I'd really like to meet one day. In case I wander around Oslo, I'll ring on your doorbell, k ;) I remember we once had a terrible misunderstanding, but we patched things up very quickly. That's where I truly started to admire you. You deserve more than just "Super commentator" award, Carina, you deserve the "Kind and forgiving person" award, because that's what you are for me.

Ok, so now all this got me thinking. Since so many bloggers are on hiata (my own plural of hiatus), the comments became less here. People are busy these days. That makes me think: To whom I should give the super commenter award now? Ok, let's check some of my most recent posts and see... well...

Here are my Super commentators. I pass the award to these peeps:

LilyChen: She doesn't comment regularly, but when she does, she does it with luv.
Ejann: Cuz she's lovable and adorable and uber-stiletto-cool! Yeah. And she's my sister.
Jo Hill: She's just one of my top fans and I love her blog to bits and adore her big ti... ;-P
Daisy: She's one of the kindest nicest sweetest bloggers on the Internets.
Netster: He's always commenting late, but catches up with all my posts. He's awesome!
Shingo: Because he's an old uncle and needs some praise. Kidding. He's awesome, too!
Amogh: He's a very nice guy, who always gives supportive comments. Thank you :)
Sabrina: Saby has such a big heart, it's visible! ;) Really, I lurve her comments to bits.
Adamantixx: The English poet is one of my dearest followers and gives great comments :)
Karen: She writes long and interesting comments and always puts a smile on my face ;)

Ok, if you accept this award, you can answer the following question to me:

What are your thoughts on blog commenting? Any funny observations?

Oh, and follow Carina, she's the best :-)

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